What is API sprawl? #apisecurity

Did you know that if a company creates too many APIs to manage their data, over time this will lead to duplicate and lead to overlapping APIs that that are growing at such a rate they make the IT structure unmanageable and discovery a nightmare? This is called API sprawl. Without a unified strategy, API sprawl leads to redundancy, security risks, and maintenance burdens. But with careful governance, lifecycle management and collaboration, organizations can create a better blueprint for their APIs and avoid it. #apisecurity #apimanagement #datasecurity

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Account Onboarding Using Axway SecureTransport APIs: accountSetup
Account Onboarding Using Axway SecureTransport APIs: accountSetup

This video clip demonstrates how to onboard accounts using the accountSetup API in Axway SecureTransport. ...

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Listen to Acerta's experience with Axway
Listen to Acerta's experience with Axway

Acerta is the largest Belgian HR service provider for starters, self-employed persons, employers, and accou...