Don't miss an episode of Mr. Open Banking or Transform It Forward. These articles give you the highlights and key takeaways and the links to listen whenever you want.
Transportation’s tech adoption
So far in the Transform It Forward podcast series, we’ve heard from experts from a wide variety of industries including events, technology, and real estate. Now, with so many episodes under our...
Bridging the tech gap in the recreational and outdoor power equipment markets
As we continue to witness major transformations happening across industries, many smart investors are keeping an eye on the smaller, untapped industries. For example, the powersports market had...
Transforming the seniors care space
It’s no secret the seniors care sector has been in need of a major transformation for decades. While the pandemic has had tragic consequences for millions of people globally, it also served to...
Upgrading Education to Build New Pathways to the Workforce
The American education system has been in need of transformation for decades. Inequality, systemic racism, and lack of proper funding have led to a system that’s riddled with issues. Today’s...
Transform It Forward: How Digital Drives Open Revolution
Innovation. It’s a word that’s often thrown around in corporate settings today. But who are the key players that are actually driving change forward in industries like tech, finance and...
Transform It Forward: 2022 Outlook and Digital Transformation Predictions
What does the future hold for digital transformations? There’s no easy way to predict what’s on the horizon for 2022, but in the most recent episode of Transform It Forward, my fellow panelists...
Transform It Forward: Best of Season Two
To wrap up Season Two of Transform It Forward, I reflected on some of the most interesting, insightful, and thought-provoking interviews of the season. While I thoroughly enjoy every conversation...
Transform IT Forward: What’s on the horizon for the events industry? Daphne Hoppenot of the Vendry explains
The year 2020 was one we won’t soon forget. For many of us, it changed the way we see the world, bringing about a fundamental shift in the way we live, work, and do business. With in-person...
Transforming sports retail
The retail world is seeing a major revolution, just as many industries are today. It’s no longer enough to create a great customer experience online or in-person — brands need to succeed in both...
Transforming the Insurance industry
The pandemic impacted dramatically the insurance industry. Yet, some providers have been quick to evolve in the face of the crisis, while others had the foresight to build new products years...
The power of API-driven technologies
As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, companies will need to focus on innovation in order to keep pace with the changes. At the root of every transformation, there’s a strong desire...
Transforming fintech with Jon Schlossberg
There’s a revolution happening in the financial sector, and in many areas, it’s happening fast. Technology is transforming the way we do just about everything, and financial services are no...
The changing frontier of insurance with Dan Watt
If there is an industry in need of transformation, it’s insurance. Current legacy systems, disparate technology, and antiquated processes cause insurance carriers to lose out on millions of...
Transforming talent: Your most important asset with Evan Sohn
Arguably, the company’s most important asset is its people. And in today’s changing landscape, finding the right people has never been more important. Right now, US businesses spend billions of...
Exploring digital transformation in the energy industry with Vicki Knott
On the Transform It Forward podcast, we explore all kinds of transformations within industries like healthcare and distribution. What’s even more significant is that we’re exploring these trends...
Four keys to supply chain transformation with Sweetwater’s Robert Gerwig
Stop for a second to consider how ubiquitous and easy ordering something online is and having it delivered. It’s simple for the buyer, but behind the scenes, it becomes far more complex. Even...
Five lessons from Manulife’s remote work transformation [PODCAST]
This year, most of our work environments look different from before. Although remote work was picking up traction through 2019, no one could have anticipated how important it would be to manage...
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