Watch the testimonial from our customer: Núclea

Watch the testimony of Raul Sousa Head of Technology at Núclea, who shares his incredible journey with Axway. In this video Raul addresses the monetization of APIs that have gained space in the market and how Axway made this movement possible within the company through a customized marketplace, which meets the needs of Núclea and its customers, in addition to mentioning the benefits that monetization comes with. presenting. His story is a testament to the real results our solution delivers.

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value of AI in API productization
value of AI in API productization

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Assista ao depoimento de nosso cliente Livelo
Assista ao depoimento de nosso cliente Livelo

Assista ao testemunho de Maicon Guerra, Executivo de TI da Livelo, que compartilha sua incrível jornada com...