
How do you measure up against other enterprises' API maturity? Download the report.

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The state of enterprise API maturity

August 9, 2024

Enterprises are bringing APIs to market. Lost APIs and insufficient governance are putting the brakes on their momentum.

Decision-makers are truly beginning to grasp the power of APIs to transform their business.

Certainly, standardizing access or moving data to the cloud continue to be driving forces in developing APIs. But the promise of new revenue streams and accelerated business growth are also prompting a renewed effort to offer true digital products.

Organizations are openly serving up APIs of all kinds: whether exposed internally or externally, they’re being hosted on-premises and in the cloud – and any combination in between. However, this increasing openness, combined with an uncontrolled proliferation of APIs, risks opening up enterprises to greater vulnerability.

To understand the scope of modern-day API maturity, Axway partnered with enterprise technology market research experts Vanson Bourne. We surveyed 600 senior IT and business decision-makers – a half-and-half split between the two – in the U.S., Brazil, France, Italy, U.K., Germany, Spain, Belgium and Netherlands.

The goal was to explore the organizations’ maturity through the lens of four key areas: API governance, security, monetization, and productization.

The good news: Virtually all enterprises now say APIs are part of their go-to-market strategy. They are indeed stepping up APIs from technical interfaces to true digital products.

But the survey also highlights how as APIs grow in adoption, so too does the challenge of managing these assets. Unmanaged APIs are the security risk many enterprises don’t even know threatens to put the brakes on their hard-earned momentum. 

Download the report today to learn how far along other enterprises are in their API journey and gain actionable insights for your own strategy.

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