The 5 key factors for measuring API maturity and how to measure yours in just 6 minutes

July 9, 2024

There are five areas of growth development in sizing up a company's command of critical API skills: governance, security, productization, value stream, and reach. One company wanted to know where they stood, so they tasked one of their brightest minds, Matt Turity, to find out. Is his company learning, maturing, or leading in their API strategy? He took the Axway API Maturity Assessment and had to get honest about five important factors.

01 API Governance

Score: 61%

Matt's company is maturing in API governance since they're starting to implement more centralized management functions and automation to streamline work and avoid duplication of effort.

02 API Security

Having read a study on API-related security breaches, Matt knows that 60% of companies have fallen victim to incidents in the last two years. Has his company taken steps to mitigate vulnerabilities?

Score: 86%

Because they have taken steps to secure APIs, Matt's company is leading in this category. But the fight's never over. They'll need to stay vigilant and be ready to strengthen their security stance.

03 API Productization

Bright minds watch the headlines and Matt's no different. He sees that more and more companies are treating their APIs as products to drive greater adoption by developers. What about his company?

Score: 32%

The company is only now learning about API productization and Matt's feeling a bit sheepish. Time to focus more on driving API value, not just on building technical interfaces.

04 API Value Stream

Matt's dealing with a real head-scratcher. Is the cost of his company's APIs linked to a specific revenue-generating initiative? Tracking the API value stream is key to future decisions. Do they even have one?

Score: 35%

Matt's company has an API value stream that's barely maturing. They're tracking API subscriptions and usage, but without a clear association to business value, success is hard to quantify.

05 API Reach

Matt knows API adoption is one measure of success, but are the company's APIs enabling its business strategy? Are they helping to foster more of the external partnerships needed to grow?

Score: 57%

APIs are making it to external partners, so their reach is maturing. But Matt is wondering if traditional app developers only have limited access to them. And how empowered are business users?

Overall API Maturity Score: 54.3%
Place on maturity spectrum: Maturing

Are you learning, maturing, or leading in your API strategy?

It only takes about six minutes to complete the Axway API Maturity Assessment and determine where your company lands on the API maturity continuum. You'll immediately have access to a detailed, customized report you can share with your team on how to proceed based on your score.

Take the Axway API Maturity Assessment

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