The API maturity level of today’s enterprises in 5 key stats

September 3, 2024

An eye-opening survey of 600 senior IT and business decision makers sheds light on an organization's API maturity through the lens of API governance, security, monetization, and productization. 

Most say APIs are part of their go-to-market strategy, elevating APIs from technical interfaces to true digital products. But the report also highlights that, as the number of APIs increases, so does the challenge of managing and security them. Here are 5 key insights. 

78% of enterprise decision-makers don't know how many APIs they have

Almost as many (74%) agreed that more than 20% of their organizations APIs are unmanaged. Decision-makers are aware that their lack of accurate inventory is a real and present security risk. But they are struggling to get the visibility and control they need. 

95% of respondents agree that a centralized API catalog would improve the governance of APIs

The lack of adequate visibility over assets is worsening with API proliferation. A central API marketplace could help tighten up organizations' security posture and speed up their business growth in the meantime. 

99.5% of organizations say APIs are part of their go-to-market strategy

Clearly, leaders understand the value of these digital assets and are treating them as products; 85% of the organizations have dedicated product managers for their key APIs.

1/2 of decision-makers (47%) say they build APIs to create new revenue streams and improve business performance

And 55% of enterprises say they are monetizing their APIs, using a combination of methods to drive revenue with them.

46% say they need stronger alignment between IT and line-of-business on how to report and track API success

Enterprises will be more successful at building and measuring the success of their API program when they're able to draw from the wealth of APIs they've already built across their enterprise through centralized governance.

What do I do next with this data?

For this study, Axway partnered with enterprise technology market research experts Vanson Bourne to survey 600 senior IT and business decision-makers from the U.S., Brazil, France, Italy, UK, Germany, Spain, Belgium, and the Netherlands. 

Want to see how your organization's API maturity measures up and discover how to leverage the power of APIs to add value to your business?

Read the report

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The state of enterprise API maturity
The state of enterprise API maturity

Survey: Enterprises are making APIs part of their go-to-market. But lost APIs and fractured governance thre...

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