5 benefits of self-service MFT

Secure and automated managed file transfer (MFT) isn't always thought of as a consumer product. Self-service MFT changes that notion. 

With self-service MFT, enterprises can connect file flows with additional processes or applications beyond what a typical MFT solution would do. Onboarding, flow provisioning, file tracking, and partner management fall under this umbrella. 

Connecting these elements empowers a more business-friendly approach to file transfer that yields notable benefits for enterprises. 

01 Business autonomy and continuity

MFT software traditionally has a user interface built for technical MFT admins. This complexity can make it difficult for business users to learn how to use it to set up and manage file transfers that power their line of business. 

With self-service MFT, business users don't need to understand MFT technical aspects. They can easily set up partners and routes without any technical jargon. They can also seamlessly manage and modify these elements as needed post-provisioning. 

Empowering business users saves MFT admins time, reduces time-to-revenue/service and makes MFT business-centric. MFT admins can now put this time toward platform maintenance and strategic initiatives that further support the business. 

02 Approval adherence

In most cases, onboarding a partner, requesting file transfer flows and data transfer require extensive approvals, especially when sending sensitive data to external partners. For example, privacy and legal need to make sure agreements are in place or updated. Security wants to make sure everything is configured safely and in compliance to their company standards. Firewall whitelisting is required by networking. And data governance teams require data element inspection to approve of the data leaving the organization. 

Thanks to self-service MFT, business users don't have to worry about navigating the complexes of obtaining necessary approvals or understanding the process entirely. Built-in workflows and controls ensure compliance and standards are enforced while making the process simpler and business-friendly.

03 Standardization and visibility

Requesting file transfer setup usually starts with emails to the MFT team. Most of the time, these emails don't include all the required information. This type of response leads to a back-and-forth game with MFT admins to fill in the gaps. 

Self-service MFT is set up for standardization. From new onboarding to file routing requests, business users can ensure MFT admins have all the necessary details. From there, MFT admins can fill in required fields without the ping-pong messages. 

Since emails and spreadsheets can quickly become outdated, tracking the progress of requests has been a headache for management. With self-service MFT, business users are notified of a request's progress and can easily track it in real time. 

04 Business-focused, centralized user experience

MFT admins have a lot on their plate. While juggling improvements and deployments, they must keep every stakeholder in the loop. 

A business-centric user experience helps relieve core MFT teams of this work. Business users can take a hands-on approach to managing everything from partner onboarding and file routing to file tracking and business process file mapping. 

Without requiring direct access to an MFT gateway, lines of business gain more control to keep partnerships and business channels running smoothly. 

05 Reduced costs and improved MFT ROI

The more complex MFT requests are to address, the more costly they become. Having to jump through extra hoops for MFT configuration and approvals can make it take longer to set up partners and file routes. This extra work leaves MFT admins less time to tackle other business tasks while delaying time-to-service.

Self-service MFT minimizes the cost of MFT requests. As secure file transfer becomes more consumable, there's less work involved in managing requests. Fewer manual interventions save time while optimizing the use of resources. 

Learn more about the benefits of enabling self-service MFT. 

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Axway Managed File Transfer. Powering mission-critical business.

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