What is modern managed file transfer?
To many business and IT leaders, MFT has become like running water: largely reliable, does its job without much fuss, and barely elicits a second thought. But it’s not that simple anymore. Today, companies must think beyond moving data around and ensure their MFT solution can deliver the security, scalability, self-service, and speed required to support real business change.
Dude, where’s my MFT file?
Eliminate roadblocks in tracking down MFT files. Tap into self-service tools.
Axway Managed File Transfer. Powering mission-critical business.
Simplify MFT and deliver business value with scalable, flexible solutions you can deploy anywhere
5 benefits of self-service MFT
Self-service MFT yields these five big benefits for enterprises
MFT product information
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What does it mean for MFT to be intelligent?
Managed File Transfer has evolved significantly since its early days decades ago: when asked “what is MFT,” nowadays you might bring up features such as workflows automation, high availability,...
What to look for in an MFT solution in 7 words
Although one word may not be worth a thousand pictures, these seven words can paint a pretty sharp picture of what to look for if you want the ideal MFT solution for your company.
MFT vs. SFTP: Six benefits of modern Managed File Transfer
MFT stands for Managed File Transfer, while SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol. They represent two ways of sharing data, but MFT technologies have evolved so much that it’s hardly a...
Managed File Transfer case studies
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10 reasons to move your managed file transfer to a managed cloud service
Discover the value of moving away from strictly ground-based managed file transfer to a managed cloud service, including lower costs and more flexibility. Check out the infographic to see more.
Delivering data in an always-on world
Understanding the mission-critical importance and evolving role of managed file transfer with the cloud
It's time to open your managed file transfer. It's easier. Faster. More secure. Are you open?
The world's largest organizations trust Axway Managed File Transfer for secure file transfers.
Simplify the way you exchange payments and documents with the Fed
Save time, costs, and resources with Secure Client from Axway
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