Axway Managed File Transfer. Powering mission-critical business on the ground and in the cloud.

Axway Managed File Transfer gives you a secure, reliable, and easy-to manage solution for transferring data between people, partners, businesses, and applications. Your data and files stay protected and comply with regulations such as HIPAA, PCI, DSS, and GDPR. Axway MFT empowers business users to move data faster to meet the demand for real-time applications across industries.

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Bpifrance chooses Axway Managed Cloud for Secure File Transfers
Bpifrance chooses Axway Managed Cloud for Secure File Transfers

Enabling rapid setup of state-guaranteed loans during COVID-19.

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Delivering data in an always-on world
Delivering data in an always-on world

Understanding the mission-critical importance and evolving role of managed file transfer with the cloud

Managed File Transfer case studies

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