Companies succeeding with B2B integration in the cloud

Axway B2B cloud integration success stories

Download this guide to learn about how companies are succeeding with Axway’s B2B Cloud Integration solutions and how your company can experience similar success.

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Olaneo Consulting

In today's worldwide economy, B2B, including EDI, provides a route for speeding up and improving the quality of business flows exchanged between organizations. Controlling B2B flows typically leads to an improvement in a company's logistics performance. B2B exchanges are Olaneo Consulting's specialties, but they turned to Axway to help them help clients reach their goals.

Olaneo Consulting moved their trading partner integration systems from on-site platforms to Axway's B2Bi in the cloud. Olaneo wanted to help the companies they work with increase the efficiency, reliability, and scalability of their EDI systems, so they could refocus on growth.

As volumes grew, these companies found that the need for real-time data was growing with it, making 24/7 operations a necessity. This forced many logistics companies to change their EDI requirements. By helping clients move to B2Bi in the cloud, Olaneo Consulting enables them to concentrate on the strengths of their business.

A wine and spirits distributor they work with found their on-site EDI was turning out to be a significant roadblock to growth. Now that the company is using B2Bi, it’s processing more than six million messages per year, including the invoices that account for more than half its annual revenue. And their EDI volumes are up about 10% annually with little or no impact on the time and cost to manage the B2Bi solution.

You can read the entire story by downloading the case study.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) uses electronic transfers to boost trade in Southeast Asia. Its objective is to accelerate economic growth, social progress, and cultural development through the regional collaboration of its ten member states: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam.

However, facilitating the smooth movement of goods within the region presented some tough challenges.

Shipments between ASEAN countries used to be primarily reliant on manual, paper-based operations. The paperwork had to be hand-delivered by couriers in certain situations, then re-keyed into over 20 different computer systems. This manual mode of working increased the chance of human error substantially while also increasing the cost and complexity of the shipping process.

Following a thorough examination of B2B integration, ASEAN chose Axway to help them develop a more efficient and safer customs process.  Axway’sB2Bi EDI and API integration capabilities allowed ASEAN to fulfill all of the project's core technical requirements with no manual effort, resulting in a quick and painless deployment.

Furthermore, the Axway solution provided other benefits, including:

  • A high level of security
  • Complete end-to-end visibility of B2B transactions on the platform
  • Meeting the company's strict data governance and information security needs.

Soon, more and more companies in the region started using the Axway system to facilitate large-scale interchanges, ensuring that B2Bi could handle the workload.

To learn more about how Axway swapped this paper system for an electronic solution, download the case study.


As one of the leading manufacturers in the plastics processing industry, Pöppelmann partners with companies in nearly 15 different industries and more than 90 countries.

The company was looking for a way to future-proof the transformation from VDA (German Automotive Industry Association standards) to EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transport). At the same time, it wanted to convert to OFTP2 standards and migrate from an on-premises system to a secure, managed private cloud. But the solution would have to be designed to optimize the global B2B supply chain, particularly in the automotive supply sector.

So Poppelmann turned to Axway for help. Axway met all three challenges with operational, error-free, and productive solutions.

Axway enabled Pöppelmann to develop a central communications and transaction hub within the company. The hub was based on a secure, managed private cloud for customers, partners, and locations worldwide, with Axway’s Managed Cloud Services for B2B.

Not only did Axway future-proof the upgrade from VDA to EDIFACT to secure and wholly automated electronic data transfers, with a focus on the automobile industry, but the technology positioned Pöppelmann to map eight to 10 new partners monthly and the ability to handle up to 15,000 messages per month.

In addition, many customers used to have trouble linking to the old, on-site system. But Axway’s cloud-based system eliminated the technical problems, and Axway experts are always on hand to help if needed.

If you’d like to learn more about how this massive project came together so easily, please download the case study.


OneHealthPort provides medical professionals with a simple and secure way to access major local health plans, hospitals' provider portals, and other helpful online services in the state of Washington state. They essentially solve workflow problems and health information exchange issues in Washington State.

The company wanted to move away from the proprietary one-off connections in healthcare. Axway helped OneHealthPort develop an infrastructure that could be deployed quickly using B2Bi. And it didn’t take long for OneHealthPort to start growing transactions. But the elasticity of Axway’s cloud B2Bi solution was perfect and met all of the company’s requirements.

OneHealthPort believes the future of healthcare communication will rely on APIs. So, now they’re working with Axway to build transactions and help the companies they serve build transactions. OneHealthPort creates the gateway for smaller organizations to use those APIs and improve communication.

To learn more about how Axway helped, download the case study.


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