B2B + APIs | Empowering enterprising IT infrastructures

July 10, 2024

Axway's B2B integration offering is among the world's most capable and versatile business-to-business integration solutions on the market today.

Axway B2B I offers a web interface with easy-to-use tools that rapidly transform the average enterprise user into an expert. With a simple, intuitive browser-based administration dashboard, file exchanges and integration details can be easily accessed from a central location. Setting up routing, transformation rules, and other configuration aspects through a wizard-driven interface makes the configuration of day-to-day use cases as easy as possible.

The Axway B2B I solution is highly scalable. Not only do we optimize and improve the performance of the internal engine with every new release, but we also offer an array of high-availability deployment options that can grow with your enterprise and business model. This can be as simple as a two-node active-active cluster or much more advanced. We recently started to roll out our new tiered distributed deployment architecture, which will be further extended in 2017 to support your organization's growth and ensure constant availability.

B2B I supports all major protocols and formats, both standard and non-standard, old and new, generic or industry-specific. Whether you need support for X400, AS2, FTP, or AS4, B2B I supports your trading and integration needs with one single solution. This is particularly important for our customers in specialized and highly regulated spaces like banking, automotive, or the medical field. It's also important to mention that Axway is invested in customer success well beyond the point of sale. We have worked closely with a large number of customers to extend and tailor the standard support to fit their specific needs. These enhancements are implemented in a generic fashion for the benefit of our entire customer base.

B2B I is delivered out of the box with an embedded reverse proxy DMZ solution called Secure Relay, ensuring that no direct transmissions from the outside world enter your internal network. B2B I is actively maintained and supports existing and new security standards. Axway B2B I is truly a leader in the enterprise business-to-business integration market. With B2B I 2.3, we are proud to maintain that leadership position with even more powerful dataflow support capabilities combined with new useful tools to help global enterprises support existing and new exchange patterns.

Axway will continue to improve the B2B I offering, extending our capabilities to deliver scalability to your operations wherever you are and wherever your customers are. We encourage you to reach out to us online or visit the link below to learn more about Axway and the B2B I product offering.

Learn more today.

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