On any given day, businesses exchange all types of data and documents with other businesses: a purchase order that creates an agreement for a sale, an invoice as a record and request for payment, and the list goes on.
About the Author
Stass Pertsovskiy is the Director of B2B Product Marketing at Axway.
Stass has spent almost 20 years in IT, with a focus for the last 10 years on product strategy, business growth, and product marketing. He has vast experience in product storytelling, positioning, packaging, and defining commercial strategy for B2B, e-Commerce, AI-driven, and SaaS solutions.
These days Stass leads product marketing for Axway’s B2B product line, which includes B2B Integration (B2Bi, TSIM, etc.) in the Cloud and as Software, Axway Business Network, eInvoicing, and specialized healthcare solutions like CSOS and Track & Trace.
Stass holds a Ph.D. in Software Architecture, Artificial Intelligence from the Russian Academy of Science.
He has been living in Nice, France for quite a few years and has a multi-national family in Israel, Russia, the United States, and France, and he is a father of four. He likes running, snowboarding, and riding a motorbike.
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