
A majority of people believe it’s worth allowing companies to access their personal data if it means a better user experience. Get the report.

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Axway Global Consumer Survey: The expanding “openness” of data... and how people feel about it

Understanding consumer attitudes around open data
Axway customers depend on Axway Amplify API Management Platform to power their apps and APIs around the world and “open everything”: open healthcare, open banking, and more.

But how do consumers feel about the expanding “openness” of their data and the transformative services it provides? Do they feel they’re in control of their information? Do they understand how it’s used? Where it’s stored? Where it’s going? Why is that important?

We believe the answers to these questions can help businesses think more deeply about the security, experience, trust, and other factors that rank high in the minds of consumers along the buyers’ journey. So, we set out to find them.

A consumer survey, commissioned by Axway and conducted by Propeller Insights in April and November 2021, polled 5,074 consumers of varying ages, genders, and demographics throughout the United Kingdom, Brazil, Germany, France, and the United States.

Not surprisingly, we learned that an overwhelming majority of respondents want more control over who sees their personal data and seek a better understanding of who’s accessing it and when. Ninety percent of them wish they knew what specific data is being collected about them and have concerns about the security of their online data.

In healthcare, consumers want what APIs can offer: better access to and ownership of their health records, but reservations about privacy persist. Although many are taking advantage of growing interoperability in healthcare, more must be done to put patients in control of their health data. The survey goes into detail about the general understanding and concerns related to digital healthcare experiences and data protection.

In finance and open banking, account holders want more personalized, convenient services. Security and personal data rights, however, are ongoing concerns.

Main takeaways

  • Only 32% of respondents know where their online data is stored, yet 82% worry that it may not be secure
  • 90% want to know what specific data companies collect about them
  • Fewer than half (48%) trust that the mobile apps they use are protecting their personal data
  • 85% want to block the mobile apps and websites from accessing their personal data at any time
  • About a third (37%) think companies are transparent about how they use data online, while only 41% have a good understanding of how websites or apps use their data when logged in

Download the report to see the full results.

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