5 steps manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and dispensers can take to ensure DSCSA 2024 compliance

Ensure supply chain integrity and compliance

As supply chains grow more complex, companies need better ways to gain visibility and control over the flow of goods, both within their organizations and with trading partners. Follow these five steps to transform your supply chain into a secure, responsive, and end-to-end system that stays in compliance—now and in the future.

  1. Leverage infrastructure based on the GS1 Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) open standard to support the secure sharing of data and applications with trading partners.
  2. Create a scalable event repository that serves as the source of supply chain truth for your organization, partners and regulators.
  3. Use APIs to integrate internal or external applications and hardware, streamlining processes internally and with partners.
  4. Extend and automate product ID verification to trace and verify products at the package level.
  5. Maximize the business value of your supply chain data with powerful queries and fast access to data.

Learn more about ensuring supply chain visibility and DSCSA compliance now and in the future

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