Which Do You Need More in 2024: Tech Buzzwords or Actionable Advice?

February 15, 2024

Experts predicted cloud, security challenges, talent gaps, and AI everything in 2023. But do you really need more tech buzzwords? Or are actionable insights more valuable? Head to the blog for a recap of 2023 tech buzzwords and predictions -- and what's next. https://blog.axway.com/learning-center/digital-strategy/reviewing-2023-predictions-whats-next?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=open_everything_gc&utm_content=predict_teasers Download Axway's 2024 predictions guide for actionable advice on your digital strategy: https://resources.axway.com/open-everything/guide-2024-digital-trends?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=open_everything_gc&utm_content=predict_teasers Music is The Long Tail by Bright Seed YouTube code REWJVJRX58YSLUUR

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