At Engie, all aspects of our transformation have one thing in common: better sharing of data

October 1, 2019

Learn more today: On BFM Business TV, you'll find out how Axway is accompanying Engie with its "Zero Carbon Transition" with APIs. And if you missed it, 26 broadcasts are scheduled until October 4th! View the segment here as well. A big thank you to Gérard Guinamand and Renaud Ribal at Engie, for lending himself with great kindness and professionalism.

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Datlas | Developing services through robust and modern APIs
Datlas | Developing services through robust and modern APIs

Datlas is an exceptional example of how a proper API strategy supported by a best-in-class Axway’s API Mana...

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Cetelem | Open Banking with Axway API Management
Cetelem | Open Banking with Axway API Management

Saiba mais sobre como a Cetelem, com a ajuda da Axway, conseguiu potencializar seu negócio. Com o projeto d...