Implement a Zero Trust security model for MFT

February 28, 2024 Chandu Manda

As hackers exploit new back doors into enterprises via third-party file transfer software, implementing a Zero Trust security model has never been more important.  

Managed file transfer (MFT) continues to be a mission-critical aspect of a business. As the only enterprise-grade leader truly dedicated to MFT left in the world, Axway takes security to the next level.  

In a recent webinar, Axway experts share their insights and advice on implementing Zero Trust security in a context where file security feels more difficult than ever before. Read on for key takeaways. 

How Zero Trust security models work 

Operating under a principle of “trust no one until they’re verified,” the Zero Trust security model supports the strong security posture that modern enterprises need to operate successfully.  

Think about Zero Trust security in the context of a guest checking into a hotel. They only get access to areas they need access to, like their room, the pool, the gym, etc. They can’t open other rooms with their key cards once inside the hotel, and in some places, they must even swipe their card in the elevator to access their floor – and only their floor. 

Assuming everyone is in breach mode, the Zero Trust security framework encourages giving users the most restricted access. 

Does Zero Trust really work? 

While there are clear incentives to adopt the Zero Trust security framework, aspects of it aren’t fully understood. Does that make Zero Trust an unrealistic security model?  

In Capterra’s 2022 Zero Trust Survey, 47% of IT professionals reported that their company’s leaders don’t understand Zero Trust security. This makes it more difficult to get their buy-in. 

At the same time, there’s a lack of consensus between security and operating teams. When these two teams aren’t aligned, it can lead to incompatible approaches that create further confusion in an already-complex process. 

Adding to this perfect storm, vendors are also still maturing and evolving in the Zero Trust security space. So, while customers are figuring out the best plan of action, many vendors are doing the same. 

On thing is clear: lightweight file transfer solutions tend to have gaps and foundational limitations in the way their security was architected. And as Axway Chief Product Officer Vince Padua notes, this can open up your enterprise to serious risk. 

"Enterprises need to work with a vendor who will be a true partner, one that continues to invest in R&D to improve and secure their MFT technology. One with a proven track record of the highest security levels." 
Watch the full video here. 

Why Zero Trust is important for MFT 

Consider all the movement that’s happening in today’s MFT market. More and more businesses are moving to the cloud, with hybrid cloud models being popular. This shift means that MFT is being deployed in various ways.  

As Meetesh Patel, General Manager of Managed File Transfer at Axway, described in a recent panel webinar discussion, it also means the MFT footprint is getting bigger. Add in hackers actively exploiting these entry points, and you can see why data breaches have become quite a beast to tackle. 

“So if you think it takes about 200 days to detect a breach in a system today, now you’re spreading that footprint of your managed file transfer as you migrate or you consolidate into different areas. You’re now spreading that across different ecosystems. So trying to find that breach is going to become even harder. So it’s really important to start thinking about how you design and some of the considerations that you have to put in place, and Zero Trust really gives us that model to be able to design and analyze the way you’re going to approach this going forward.”

Cloud adoption is undoubtedly needed for businesses to remain agile and competitive. But as the IT infrastructure becomes more complex, businesses tend to lack visibility into what’s happening within their system — and that’s problematic. 

That’s where the Zero Trust security model enters the picture.  

Where to start with Zero Trust security for MFT? 

To be clear, Zero Trust is not a product. As with all security, it’s a combination of technology and process.  

As an MFT and cloud provider, Axway works alongside customers and providers to validate appropriate solutions — and also provides guidance on how to start the Zero Trust security journey. Our commitment to security, both in terms of culture and process, means Axway MFT can offer SLA options up to 99.99% availability and follow-the-sun support. 

5 steps you can take to move toward Zero Trust MFT security  

Transitioning to a Zero Trust security model is a balancing act, and it starts with an important question: What is it that you’re trying to protect?  

It is not the network. It is not the host. It is the data. 

With that understanding as a foundation, these five stepping stones can help build a Zero Trust security journey: 

  1. Catalog and understand the data being moved through your system. 

  1. Determine how and where you’re going to centralize your identity. 

  1. Determine the governance model for each of the individual data flows. 

  1. Enable infrastructure visibility and connect it to AI and SIEM technology. 

  1. Rationalize your current and future plans in terms of your MFT systems. 

Zero Trust requires proven software + the human element  

The learning curve around Zero Trust security is rather significant, so it takes time for IT and operations teams to wrap their head around the logistics of it all. Architects and security experts are facing the challenge of how to get up to speed, fast.  

While helping make Zero Trust security usable, Axway is also helping to deliver the technical expertise needed to support these initiatives.  

Our Managed File Transfer solution combines the power of a cloud platform with the reliability of experts who have 10+ years of experience in the space. We welcome the challenge of helping businesses successfully run their MFT operations in today’s security-driven landscape. 

Enterprises can’t afford to gamble with security of their critical infrastructure. To implement a Zero Trust security model, you need an MFT vendor that will partner with you 24/7/365, who's here to secure your business in the long run. Let’s start a conversation.   

About the Author

Chandu Manda

Chandu Manda is the Field CTO for Axway MFT Solutions. As Field CTO for Axway's Managed File Transfer product line, Chandu provides guidance to both internal and external stakeholders, ensuring the MFT solution meets customer needs of today and tomorrow. He actively contributes to the product roadmap, leveraging his market knowledge to drive innovation and enhance the solution's functionality. Throughout previous roles, Chandu has delivered scalable & robust enterprise solution architecture in the integration space with a strong focus on customer centricity. Chandu has a master’s degree in management information systems from the reputed Eller College of Management, University of Arizona.

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