Banking API Use Case Series - Build partnerships to expand your bank's reach

In some parts of the world, retail banks have achieved peak customer reach. In others, potential customers choose fintech apps over bricks-and-mortar branches. To adapt, banks are opening their APIs to new ecosystems, enabling them to serve people who previously couldn’t or wouldn’t participate in traditional banking.

There were 1.7 billion “unbanked” adults around the world in 2017, with no account at all.

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Consumers are starting to sense an open banking transformation
Consumers are starting to sense an open banking transformation

Axway’s just-released consumer survey reveals an interesting dissonance in attitudes around open banking an...

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Banking API Use Case Series - Be at the right place at the right time to gain new banking customers
Banking API Use Case Series - Be at the right place at the right time to gain new banking customers

APIs open new opportunities to integrate directly with the platforms, apps, and services where people do bu...