
How can APIs help you serve citizens and business more effectively? Read the white paper to find out.

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Better governance, one API at a time

APIs bring government and citizens together around the world
This white paper reviews the emerging digital government movement around the world. Digital transformation activities are already occurring in most governments and clear trends are now observable.  Download the paper for details and real-world examples of how an API-first approach helps governments succeed on this journey, enabling them to move faster and achieve all of the benefits of digital government.

There are three main benefits for digital government models:

• Improved citizen experiences

• More and faster innovation

• Better security and privacy

Governments moving along a digital trajectory often start with opening and sharing data, then expose digital services; and, finally, as they build maturity, they are able to reimagine the very core of how governments interact and engage with citizens and businesses.

Read the white paper to learn about:

The move to an API-first digital government

Adoption of digital government

The benefits of digital government

01 Citizen experience

02 Innovation

03 Data systems and security

Three levels of maturity for digital government

01 Open data

02 Open services

03 Open governance and participation

Digital government implementation model

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Why APIs Matter

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