6 guided steps on the road to an enterprise-wide API strategy

An enterprise API strategy could help your business. In the rush to embrace APIs, many enterprises adopted a tech-led strategy. But they aren’t getting the business growth and adoption they expected from their investments because it’s not a tech problem: it’s a business problem.

Check out this infographic to see what you should know to design a comprehensive API strategy that threads together your technical, operational, and business goals.

1: Strategy must involve key stakeholders from both business and IT who will carry ultimate responsibility for API success.

2: Kickstart your program with quick wins: try prioritizing existing APIs by business value as you develop an API roadmap.

3: Take a product-over-project mindset for a 360-degree view that helps you see the value in connecting multiple APIs.  

4: Adopt a Design-first + Contract-first approach to the API lifecycle by taking the time to describe your API design in a way tech and business stakeholders can understand.

5: The DevOps team should leverage automation to check technical specifications, route APIs to repositories, streamline the process for creating products in API gateways, reduce errors, and speed design for continuous delivery. 

6: Adoption is essential to API success. Use a dashboard to review consumption metrics regularly and ensure you’re creating APIs that people want to use. 

Finally, curate and monetize your APIs in a central marketplace to simplify API adoption and get your latest digital service to market faster. 

Download the enterprise API strategy guide to learn more about these steps and how they can accelerate your digital business.

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