Transforming the patient experience with innovative digital services

The era of the digital patient is here. Equipped with smartphones, tablets, wearables, and IoT devices, today’s connected patients want to be able to engage digitally – anytime, anywhere – to manage every aspect of their health. Value-based care and patients’ growing demand for personalized services and engagement, will increasingly require co-innovation and collaboration across a diverse healthcare ecosystem. Learn about the role of API-based digital products and services in delivering value-based digital transformation and see the technology in action that is helping healthcare leaders deliver innovative services, drive new revenue streams, and deliver better patient outcomes.

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Engie Fait Appel à Axway Pour Sa Transformation Numérique [French]
Engie Fait Appel à Axway Pour Sa Transformation Numérique [French]

Comment la gestion des API accélère le time to market Un des leaders de l’énergie partage son expérience e...

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Omnichannel is under review!
Omnichannel is under review!

Omnichannel is not an answer to differentiating customer experiences and nor is it a source of innovation. ...