
"Wait and see” won't work for EDI/B2B. Read the white paper to learn why.

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Combine the power of a cloud service with a world-class B2B team

June 8, 2022

B2B cloud Integration services to scale while reducing risk

B2B cloud integration services will help scale and secure your B2B transactions in the cloud while reducing risk and closing the expertise gap. This is why 50% of senior leaders identify an enterprise B2B integration platform as more critical in the next 3-5 years.

As the number of B2B cloud trading partners and volume of EDI traffic grows exponentially — bringing with it a need to scale EDI systems quickly and cost-effectively — now is the time for enterprise leaders to review the TCO of their EDI on-premises systems and assess their true risks.

Those risks include the potential loss of skilled in-house workers who know your EDI systems inside-out. Many are nearing retirement age at the same time when the Great Resignation has led tech workers to rethink their careers. Every time you lose a talented EDI professional, they take their knowledge with them, creating a serious knowledge gap. Finding that same expertise in younger workers may be near impossible.

In addition, many legacy EDI systems themselves are nearing the end of their useful lives, making it harder for technology leaders to justify the high costs and complexity of operating, maintaining, and staffing them. Risks of cyberattacks continue to grow, and with widespread global supply chain disruptions continuing, you can’t risk a breach or any other downtime.

If these factors are causing you to take a fresh look at embracing B2B cloud integration, arm yourself with knowledge. In this comprehensive industry resource guide and white paper, you’ll uncover:

  • Three emerging risks with legacy on-premises EDI systems
  • Nine ways enterprises can mitigate those risks by moving to B2B cloud services
  • How the right expertise and technology can help even the most hesitant of organizations feel comfortable moving to the cloud



Learn more by downloading this free white paper.

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