10 ways to stay ahead of rapidly evolving cyberattacks security threats

You’ve seen the headlines. The speed and frequency of cyberattacks are rising and they can strike anywhere at any time in any digital ecosystem – even yours. With the right knowledge and tools, you can defeat them before they happen.

No. 1: Know your vulnerabilities

Growing API complexity and siloed systems are ripe for cyberattacks because it’s hard to tell what to protect against. Companies lacking centralized visibility across multiple API solutions are particularly vulnerable. Staying secure starts with managing complexity to shore up areas of potential weakness.

No. 2: Protect at the pace of attacks

The ability to detect and respond to security threats as they occur is paramount. Your security tactics must evolve as new relationships and workforce needs change – and as the enterprise perimeter shifts. And they have to do it at a speed that matches the fast evolutionary pace of security threats.

No. 3: Create a cybersecurity mesh

With a distributed cybersecurity mesh, threats can be detected in real time, protecting data and devices better than using simple VPN passwords. The mesh ensures that all your data, systems, and equipment are treated equally and securely, whether they’re located inside or outside your network.

No. 4: Adopt zero trust

Embracing the risk management and security framework known as Zero Trust ensures the right people have the right level of access, to the right resources, in the right context, at the right time. It defines access and control permissions so that your security perimeter is always protected.

No. 5: Keep your eyes open

Without a centralized view across your entire digital ecosystem, you can’t spot vulnerabilities and act quickly to prevent or fight a threat. Make sure you have centralized visibility into all potential threats and be ready to respond based on the level of threat and the risk it poses to your business.

No. 6: Put security first

Digital business moves fast, but threats move faster. Surprisingly, security is often handled as an afterthought, creating a backlog of vulnerable applications that must be remediated. Make security a first order citizen that’s baked into the IT architecture and application design right from the start.

No. 7: Remember what’s at stake

It’s amazing just how quickly enterprise vulnerabilities can be exploited by hackers and how important it is to raise the alarm before it happens. Threats can occur within minutes, while fixes can take weeks and months. However, the damage to your business, your brand, and your customers lasts forever.

No. 8: Use multiple defense tactics

Be sure to draw on multiple technologies to defend the enterprise. Modern, distributed architectures bring with them multiple risk factors. Don’t rely on just one approach to fortifying your defenses. Explore and implement a range of security technologies to ward off all types of attacks and threats.

No. 9: Take an open platform approach

An open API management platform gives you centralized data flow visibility and governance across multiple vendors, teams, and environments that change over time. This allows you to introduce new technologies, strengthen others that are time-proven, and replace those that are obsolete or outdated.

No. 10: Be armed for the jungle

The Amplify API Management Platform automatically detects vulnerable endpoints, centralizes security management and provides the highest levels of security certification. You know going in that your enterprise will be secure at an evolving perimeter, at the speed of threats, and as technology changes. 

Schedule a free cybersecurity demo with an API expert make sure your business is protected. 

*Download this cybersecurity best practices checklist as a PDF

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