Digital MFT Data Exchange Pattern Demo | Managed File Transfer

March 5, 2018

See how AMPLIFY MFT enables self-service data exchange using predefined templates that speed the building, testing and deployment of exchanges. Managing hundreds of flow definitions is best done through a “flow factory” where middleware has already identified the data exchange pattern based on parameters such as transfer properties, file types, security controls and others. This video demonstrates how IT and business users can accomplish this using AMPLIFY MFT, part of Axway’s AMPLIFY hybrid integration platform. AMPLIFY MFT leverages APIs to create a simple, self-service method of building, deploying and testing data exchanges. Success hinges on the use of flow template factories, or data exchange templates. Then it’s a matter of: • Choosing the right template from the flow template factory!overview • Specifying application-to-application, human-to-human, business-to-business or a combination of source to destination parameters • Exposing business-centric APIs to integrate with service management systems, portals, or external processes The video highlights a sample scenario of a payments flow between an order management system and general ledger. Business users do not need to know the networking technology behind the exchange, but the IT team can incorporate appropriate authorization controls to restrict data exchange by lines of business. Every aspect of managing these exchanges can be accomplished using APIs. Then, once flow is defined, data exchanges can easily be built, deployed and tested. View this demonstration video to gain an understanding of how AMPLIFY Managed File Transfer easily manages the full lifecycle of data exchanges ( Data exchange templates promote self-service and empower business users to move their jobs forward without having to wait for IT. Learn more about MFT data exchange patterns. #managedfiletransfer #AxwayAMPLIFYMFT #dataexchangepatterndemo

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