Equinor Transforms Digitally with AMPLIFY B2Bi

July 17, 2024

Gas industry in Europe is highly regulated, to make the market transparent, European Union enforces the use of the AS4/ENTSOG protocol. With 100 billions cubic meter sold per day, Equinor is the second largest supplier in Europe is now publicizing any event impacting the delivery and availability of gas using the AS4/ENTSOG protocol a certified capability provided by Amplify B2Bi.

The gas market and the ENTSOG community have equated an AS4 profile with limiting and expanding the AS4 stock which is something you can do given the standard. This is called the ENTSOG profile of AS4 which places strict requirements on security. This is also in the European Union legislation which traders in the union have to use. It will bring the gas market closer together, so everyone uses the same protocol and the latest and greatest in terms of security. 

We are going into functional testing with each partner, we test all the messages and that involves the business. We see that managing certificates is a challenge. A shortfall situation is if we have a gas failed, or an installation that does not produce gas like it is supposed to do. That message arrives in b2bi and has to be checked. If it is such a message, it has to be cleared. We make the data public for the gas market, and once this occurs, we can act on the data itself. 

Learn more today.

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