Bpifrance chooses Axway Managed Cloud for Secure File Transfers

Bpifrance needed a secure file transfer soultion for the cloud that is safe, secure and efficient. They chose Axway Managed Cloud to help the French public investment bank develop an ultra-fast setup of complex information flows.

Bpifrance needed a secure file transfer solution to support entrepreneurs and to keep the French economy innovative and competitive. The organization finances sustainable and responsible growth and supports research and development initiatives.

The French government knew it needed to react fast to safeguard jobs and shore up the economy against the financial impact of lockdowns. The government instituted the Prêt garanti par l’Etat (PGE), a state-backed loan for enterprises, and earmarked a fund of up to EUR 300 billion for emergency interest-free loans of up to three months’ revenue.

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What to look for in an MFT solution in 7 words
What to look for in an MFT solution in 7 words

Although one word may not be worth a thousand pictures, these seven words can paint a pretty sharp picture ...

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Axway Managed File Transfer. Powering mission-critical business on the ground and in the cloud.
Axway Managed File Transfer. Powering mission-critical business on the ground and in the cloud.

Simplify MFT and deliver business value with scalable, flexible solutions you can deploy anywhere

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