Professional services firm delivers mission-critical files to banking partners on time

Meeting stringent SLAs with Axway MFT solutions

This U.S.-based professional services firm helps customers across all 50 states improve their financial well-being. The company partners with organizations across a wide range of sectors, delivering best-in-class customer care.

A spokesperson for the firm explains: "My team's mission is to provide project management and operational support to the business. One of the key capabilities is the secure, reliable exchange of payments files. Every week, we receive data from thousands of clients and vendors, which we process and send to your banking partners."

The firm has stringent service-level agreements (SLAs) for data exchange with its clients and vendors, and files must be sent within tight time windows. Previously, the company relied on Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) to send vital data to leading U.S. banks. However, the company's SFTP tool offered limited visibility into file delivery - leading to time-consuming work to track down issues with failed transfers. 

"Because of the reliability issues with SFTP, we staffed a dedicated support desk every day of the week to help make sure we hit our SLAs," recalls the spokesperson. "It was also a constant struggle to get the help we needed from our previous technology vendor. To solve these challenges, we looked for a new approach."

To enhance its file transfer capabilities, the firm decided to replace its legacy SFTP tool with Axway SecureTransport - a secure, scalable, and reliable managed file transfer (MFT) solution. The new approach enables the organization to augment the file transfer process with automation, reporting, and additional security capabilities. 

Deploying secure, scalable file transfer solutions

The spokesperson comments: "I learned about Axway through talking with our former CIO, who had used Axway MFT solutions in his pervious company. Based on his positive experiences - particularly with proactive alerts for failed deliveries - we were confident that Axway was the right choice."

Working with Axway, the company configured SecureTransport to replace its SFTP workflows. Using Axway Managed File Transfer, the firm can rapidly analyze file transfer logs from SecureTransport to uncover patterns that could indicate delivery issues - enabling faster investigation and resolution of support requests from vendors, clients, and the business. 

"Today, we exclusively use MFT solutions from Axway to transfer files to major U.S. banks," confirms the spokesperson. "If I look at Axway SecureTransport file transfer logs and see something I don't understand, I can open up the Operational Intelligence dashboard and get the answers I need right away. Whenever we want some additional assistance, responsive support from Axway is only one email away, which gives us great peace of mind."

Acting fast on real-time insigts

Using automated alerting capabilities, the firm receives real-time updates on technical or business-related issues that may impact its SLAs. 

"Whenever there's a potential issue with a transfer, we can research exactly what happened in our SecureTransport logs and respond quickly," explains the spokesperson. "With MFT insights from the Axway solution, we can quickly filter around 14,000 alerts a day and respond only to the most critical issues."

The spokesperson adds: "Thanks to our Axway MFT solutions, we're significantly improving the reliability of mission-critical file transfer processes. As a result, we've scaled back our support footprint from seven days to six days a week, reducing my team's workload by 14 percent and freeing time to support the business in other areas. Looking ahead, we're confident that we'll be able to move to a five-day-support operation, boosting our efficiency further still."

The firm plans to build on its success with Axway by refining its use of alerting and analytics capabilities. "We had the opportunity to share feedback on the solution directly with the Axway product team, and they incorporated many of our suggestions," concludes the spokesperson. "Every year, around $9 trillion passes through Axway SecureTransport, and we feel honored to have played a part in shaping a system that so many businesses around the world rely on."

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