Simplify your MFT with SaaS

Axway Managed Cloud Services for MFT (Managed File Transfer) is a pay-as-you-go subscription service that lets you outsource all or some of your mission-critical data exchange operations to our MFT cloud experts.

You gain the scalability and resiliency of the cloud without managing a technical platform, while helping your business and IT teams focus on other tasks – all at a price point you can handle.

Cloud MFT delivered as SaaS brings value with:

  • Cost-efficiency. Avoid CapEx and move your OpEx with a subscription service that offers a  predictable monthly expenditure. Adjust to fluctuating demand on the fly and pay only for the services you consume with cloud MFT solutions for your SaaS business. 
  • Smooth transition. Gain immediate high-performance, scalable MFT operations capabilities with up to 99.99 percent availability.
  • Flexibility. Choose full MFT SaaS with 24/7/365 operations monitoring and support no matter what industry you’re in. Our team of experts will handle any large jumps in data volumes. You simply focus on SLA monitoring.

Read the flyer to learn more.  Then, let's talk.

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Companies succeeding with MFT in the cloud
Companies succeeding with MFT in the cloud

See how managed cloud services lower costs and reduce risk to deliver bottom-line results

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Axway cloud services for MFT: Secure, flexible, resilient
Axway cloud services for MFT: Secure, flexible, resilient

Go from best-in-class MFT to best-in-cloud MFT - With expertise going back two decades, Axway can help you ...

Power mission-critical business with Axway Managed File Transfer

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