Managed File Transfer
Explore the latest eBooks and guides Axway has to offer about Managed File Transfers. Our Resource Library has everything you need to know about MFT.
U.S. financial services provider unlocks scalable, secure MFT
Facilitating business growth and meeting regulatory requirements with Axway
Power mission-critical business with Axway Managed File Transfer
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Dude, where’s my MFT file?
Eliminate roadblocks in tracking down MFT files. Tap into self-service tools.
Stairway to the MFT cloud
Outsource MFT operations to Axway MFT Cloud Services for predictable subscription, 99.99T availability, total security, MFT expertise
Insurance company drives growth with self-service MFT
This insurance company relies on its MFT capabilities to process millions of dollars in banking transactions every month.
5 benefits of self-service MFT
Self-service MFT yields these five big benefits for enterprises
4 questions to gauge the security of your MFT software
Security breaches are on the rise for MFT. Is your software ready?
File transfer in progress — do not stop
Keep your MFT operations running even while updating MFT software with Axway MFT zero downtime update
Professional services firm delivers mission-critical files to banking partners on time
Meeting stringent SLAs with Axway MFT solutions
Journey to the Cloud for Managed File Transfer (MFT) Leveraging the Benefits of Axway MFT and Amazon Web Services
Textron enhances the security of mission-critical file transfers
Protecting sensitive data in the Axway Cloud
Your MFT integrations just got more intelligent. Nothing artificial added.
Meet evolving MFT integration demands with an automated, no-code approach to integrating apps, data, events, and APIs
Axway Managed File Transfer. Powering mission-critical business.
Simplify MFT and deliver business value with scalable, flexible solutions you can deploy anywhere
A global bank secures its critical data exchanges on IBM zSystems
The importance of transferring files from mainframe systems for banks
5 steps you can take to move toward Zero Trust security
Learn why Zero Trust security is the way of the future for MFT
3 steps to take now to future-proof your managed file transfer operations
By taking proactive measures now, businesses can create a more integrated, secure, and user-friendly MFT environment for the future. Prioritize these steps.
Upgrade your MFT to the secure cloud
From best-in-class MFT to best-in-cloud MFT
5 reasons Axway Intelligent MFT is a true MFT integration platform
Axway Intelligent MFT is a true integration platform. Constant connection availability and support for multiple personas are a few of the reasons why.
How to pivot your team's thinking around multicloud
Make your multiteam lineup advocates vs. doubters
5 steps you can take to move toward Zero Trust security
Learn why Zero Trust security is the way of the future for MFT
3 steps to take now to future-proof your managed file transfer operations
By taking proactive measures now, businesses can create a more integrated, secure, and user-friendly MFT environment for the future. Prioritize these steps.
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