Whiteboard Chats | Introducing the Amplify API Management Plane

Check out the whitepaper: https://resources.axway.com/digital-transformation-2-0-starts-with-better-governance/whitepaper-bring-your-apis-in-from-wild?utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=gc_multi_gw_governance In this short video, Francois Lascelles, Chief Architect at Axway, whiteboards the API silo problematic and how API governance and developer experience are affected by a multiplication of API platforms. Francois then illustrates how the Amplify API Management Plane provides an open solution to simplify, automate and accelerate API governance tasks across API platforms to deliver digital business services faster across your entire ecosystem. #APIM

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Axway Amplify Platform
Axway Amplify Platform

A universal platform for unifying, managing, and monetizing APIs

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Whiteboard Chats | API Discovery and Subscriptions
Whiteboard Chats | API Discovery and Subscriptions

Amplify agents let you capture the full value of all your API assets by bringing them together where they c...