What a modern digital healthcare supply chain should look like

A well-designed digital healthcare supply chain goes beyond efficiency. It's about getting security and compliance right while enabling resiliency. Only then can healthcare organizations servce consumers and patients safely and quickly. 

If you're wondering how to create the ideal environment, here's a roadmap to help guide you. 

Backed by SOPs

Standard operating procedures help ensure consistency across the digital healthcare supply chain. They also provide insights into inefficiencies and where you can drive improvements. 

True high availability

Network outages and server failures can happen at any time. Supply chains need to have redundant systems and failover mechanisms. That way, they can support the continued delivery of care. 

The cost of IT downtime in the healthcare industry ranges from $5,300-$9,000 per minute. 

A defined failover process

What happens when a primary part of the supply chain fails? There should be an automated switch to backup systems or resources. SOPs help ensure the efficient execution of failover actions to reduce downtime. 

Real-time data visibility

Supply chain stakeholders must be able to respond quickly to changing demands. Access to real-time data helps organizations better allocate resources and optimize distribution. 

60% of hospitals are experiencing shortages of 20+ drugs, single-use supplies, or other medical devices. 

49% of hospitals said these shortages have affected patient treatment. 

Advanced analytics and forecasting

When healthcare organizations can anticipate supply chain shortages/surges, they become more agile. Visibility into early warning signs empowers proactive strategies that boost resilience. 

Stringent compliance requirements

Healthcare providers rely on digital supply chains to uphold standards that protect patient safety and trust. Investing in track and trace solutions and controlled substance ordering systems supports compliance needs. 

Violations of the Controlled Substances Act cost one distributor $300,000 in civil penalties. 

For one pharmacy, violations cost $250,000 to resolve. 

API-embedded solutions

API-driven solutions are known for their speed, security, and robustness. Bringing APIs together with EDI via a B2B integration solution supports a modern infrastructure — one better equipped to respond to changing market demands. 

A modern digital healthcare supply chain isn't about having "more."

Healthcare organizations need an infrastructure ready for change in the digital world. These elements support a more seamless digital journey.

Learn more about how a robust supply chain supports the delivery of care

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Manage your healthcare supply chain while embracing innovation