5 ways that Axway makes CSOS better

Ensuring smoother operations, enhanced user experiences, and DEA compliance

The Controlled Substance Ordering System (CSOS) introduced by the DEA has revolutionized compliance processes, offering pharmaceutical distributorsa robust framework to enhance your  operations. Fulfill this opportunity to the maximum with five new features in Axway CSOS that make it faster and easier to stay in DEA compliance, improve operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

01 Next-gen CSOS user interface

From certificate onboarding to managing users, operating and updating a CSOS system can be a complex undertaking that eats up valuable time and resources. Axway CSOS makes life easier with a modern web-based user interface that simplifies navigation and enhances user experience, including advanced order filtering and simplified workflows like the ability to lock orders for investigation, validation, and supervisor-level review.

02 CSOS central signing

Many organizations have a centralized signing workflow that can involve multiple signers and become a costly bottleneck in the ordering process. Axway CSOS lets authorized users review and digitally sign CSOS orders in bulk, vastly reducing the time and labor needed for the signing process.

03 CSOS certificate upload utility

You face short time windows to renew and upload DEA Certificates, a process that can become overwhelming as you add new customers, especially if your CSOS solution forces you to upload certificates manually and one at a time. With Axway CSOS, you can speed and smoothly scale these processes by uploading certificates in bulk and automating the process of importing renewed certificates.

04 Improved CSOS order validation

Given the lengthy and complex steps needed to fix and correct data issues with the DEA, any opportunity to prevent bad data from entering the CSOS ecosystem will save you time and effort and minimize the risk of an audit finding. Axway CSOS prevents all that by automatically identifying noncompliant CSOS orders, notifying users, and keeping the bad orders from reaching the signing process.

05 Containerized architecture

Your organization’s leadership, customers, and supply chain partners expect 24/7 operations, adding to the pressure on your Ops and IT teams to patch and maintain existing systems. Running with the optional containerized deployment architecture on Axway’s B2Bi Enterprise Edition, Axway CSOS solves these issues with high availability, zero downtime maintenance, deployment automation, and the confidence that systems will stay up and running.

Ready to ensure DEA compliance and improved CSOS operations?

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