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Learn how Axway Track & Trace helps your pharmaceutical company meet the main interoperability requirements of the Drug Supply Security Act (DSCSA).
Unlike legacy, file-based solutions, Axway Controlled Substance Ordering System uses an open API approach to DEA compliance that provides business flexibility, security, and speed.
Connecting all healthcare stakeholders to improve patient outcomes
Achieving timely regulatory compliance with Axway.

Building a compelling digital experience in healthcare.
Delivering a positive, consistent experience to individual healthcare customers
How healthcare organizations can collaborate efficiently by accessing and sharing files securely and easily
Building next-generation services on secure, scalable APIs

Plans and providers must create a Patient Access API that enables 3rd-party apps to receive health records or face penalties for information blocking.

Modernizing B2B integration to support innovation and growth

Connecting people and processes gets better with Axway B2Bi