It's time for open B2B integrations. More powerful than ever.

Digitally transform with Axway B2B Integration — a secure, API-enabled approach to EDI that lets you respond faster to evolving business demands. Always-on service supports the latest regulatory standards, cutting operational risk and costs. Cloud and on-premises deployment options offer total flexibility.

The way companies exchange documents is changing. To be more productive, many are doing it using API integration. For businesses who only support traditional B2B/EDI, that might be a deal breaker. Not anymore! Now you can open your B2B with Axway. Axway lets you API-enable your B2B/EDI systems, opening up new channels to trading partners requiring APIs while supporting partners who want to stick with traditional EDI.

With a modern, API-enabled EDI solution from Axway, you can securely collaborate with your entire B2B ecosystem. Onboard new partners quickly and easily, take on new cloud-based business opportunities, and open new markets and revenue potential. You can accomplish all of this yourself... Or let Axway experts manage your B2B ecosystem for you. Change comes with challenges; meet them head-on by opening your B2B. Are you open?

Learn more about how to open your B2B integrations with Axway

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Scale and consolidate B2B in the cloud with expert support from Axway
Scale and consolidate B2B in the cloud with expert support from Axway

Scale and consolidate B2B integration in the cloud with Axway

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B2B API Integration Platform. Secure, API-enabled EDI in the cloud.
B2B API Integration Platform. Secure, API-enabled EDI in the cloud.

Unleash innovation with a B2B integration solution that combines EDI, APIs, modern VAN connectivity and clo...