Axway Amplify | Overview - Manage diverse API services and simplify API production and consumption

Amplify API Management Platform simplifies API discovery, management, and governance across hybrid clouds and third-party ecosystems.

APIs are the building blocks of modern business. But with the rapid API growth, it can be hard to manage API complexity at scale, achieve complete API visibility, or ensure API security and governance. The only open, independent platform for governing APIs across teams, the hybrid cloud, and third-party ecosystems, Axway Amplify lets you manage your diverse API services and simplifies API production and consumption.

I.T. complexity slows enterprises down. In fact, it's the leading cause of delays in new digital business initiatives. To react faster to market changes and capture new business, you need to master that complexity. But how?

It all starts with an open platform approach to API management—a solid yet agile foundation that will help your business respond to market disruption and emerging opportunities much more quickly.

I.T. landscapes are constantly shifting and often unpredictable. More and more services, products, and ways of doing things are going digital. How these digital capabilities are delivered is also evolving. Part of a company's digital architecture may be on-premise while the rest is deployed in public or private cloud. If you have a centralized monolithic I.T. infrastructure that doesn't bend to change and complexity, it could very well break.

Axway Amplify is an open API management platform that makes managing I.T. complexity simple. Because it's open, it works independently of change factors that might otherwise make a company's digital ecosystems grind to a halt.

Let's say your I.T. infrastructure operates in multiple environments—on-premise, in the cloud, or both. That could change. Do you have a plan? With the Amplify platform, as soon as an API or new digital asset is exposed anywhere—in any environment or vendor gateway—the API is instantly processed to be managed and secured. It's added to a unified catalog of APIs where it can easily be found, used, and reused by anyone who has access to it.

Since the API is findable and reusable, you don't waste time developing a duplicate. That means the API generates more value over time and allows you to build captivating, intuitive experiences a lot faster.

Let's look at some examples:

  • Your assets and capabilities can exist in various places. Amplify's pre-built and pluggable agents scan those places and automatically update the catalog whenever a new API pops up. Dev teams are more productive because they have the autonomy to use the tools and approaches that work best for them.
  • You retain central governance across your digital landscape. All of this means companies can bring new services to the market faster and a lot more cost-effectively. The right platform approach makes the complexities of change and disruption manageable. As long as you have a solid foundation on which to build your business and the agility to meet change as it comes, you can innovate and grow without delay.

With an open, independent platform like Amplify, it's simple. You get both.

Learn More.

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