Prove How Your API Initiatives Are Impacting Business Outcomes

In this webinar, Brian Otten, VP - Digital Transformation Catalysts at Axway, talks about aligning API metrics to your organization’s business goals to help justify API investments. As he showcases, treating your APIs as products offers the context and framework that makes it easier to measure the KPIs that matter. Find key takeaways on the blog:

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Modernisation de la Fonction Finance : vers une gestion des données plus efficace
Modernisation de la Fonction Finance : vers une gestion des données plus efficace

En savoir plus : Les années se répètent avec plus de reporting, de données, et de con...

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What’s the problem with screen scraping? [Excerpt]
What’s the problem with screen scraping? [Excerpt]

What’s the problem with screen scraping? In a new video, Karen Holmes, Open Banking Product Marketing Direc...