Protecting Data from Cybersecurity Threats with Axway MFT

Discover how Axway MFT protects critical data from cybersecurity threats, ensuring safe and secure file transfers for organizations.

Recent events in the MFT space have really put a spotlight on MFT software and technology, and the patterns that it serves.

There's been an unprecedented amount of breaches that have occurred in our ecosystem, that have targeted this type of technology. It's brought the conversation back up to a lot of questions around the integrity of your MFT technology, your MFT capabilities. And the first question is, why was this such a focused attack on this pattern? 

It's really clear to see that most enterprises still use file-based data integration as the predominant pattern for data exchange. And the criticality of some of that information, the importance of some of the information on those files was the target. It could be PI data, it could be sensitive data. And these actors are using this data to do other things. And if you look at how AI can help them with social engineering and different types of vectors that they could now use with that data, it was really the true event of what they were trying to accomplish.

Ransomware is another big area of being able to cripple a company and take advantage of these vulnerabilities. So with all that happening in the ecosystem today, our customers have started to ask us to step up our game and ensure we can help them step up their game, with security and ensuring their MFT technology meets that zero trust-like capability, ensuring that we bring features to market that help them be more secure and robust; to be able to prevent these types of events from happening in the future, but also just simply focusing on things like, you can't ignore your MFT technology, you need to maintain it. You need to make sure you're taking the updates from vendors like Axway, to ensure the security posture of the technology you run is always at the highest level it can be.

We as vendors, need to step up our game and ensure that we are making sure we release more frequently and making sure we're giving our customers security updates, as quickly as possible, for them to be able to take advantage of being sure that their ecosystem is always secure.

Learn more about how to harness Axway MFT for your organizations 

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