Listen to our customer Danilo Zimmermann | Dasa

Watch the testimony of Danilo Zimmerman – CIO of DASA, one of the largest laboratory networks in Brazil, who shares his incredible journey with Axway. In this video, Danilo shared his relationship history with Axway, as well as his experience at other companies in various sectors. Citing the differential and positive aspects of the partnership, Danilo describes the importance of the relationship of trust between client and supplier. His story is a testament to the real results our solution delivers.

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Listen to our customer Fernanda Toscano | Veloe
Listen to our customer Fernanda Toscano | Veloe

Watch the testimony of Fernanda Toscano – CIO of Veloe, who shares her incredible journey with Axway. In th...

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Listen to our customer Alexandro Strack | Jadlog
Listen to our customer Alexandro Strack | Jadlog

Watch the testimony of Alexandro Strack – CIO of Jadlog, who shares his incredible journey with Axway. We a...