Leveraging Stronger Security Models in 2024 for Managed File Transfer

2023 was a challenging year for data security, with many enterprises and even governments struggling to stem attacks coming via third-party file transfer tools. We asked our experts to share their thoughts on what we can expect in the year to come, then compiled their hard-earned insights into our “Looking Forward 2024” predictions guide. Here, Meetesh Patel, VP and MFT General Manager at Axway, discusses the priorities he sees for the year to come. 👉 Get the guide here: https://resources.axway.com/open-everything/guide-2024-digital-trends?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=open_everything_gc&utm_content=predict_teasers #ransomware #ZeroTrust #MFTsecurity #2024predictions #DigitalStrategy

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AI-Generated News Broadcasts – Just Pick Your Language!

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