Final Draft - What is the Role of Aggregators in Open Banking? [Delivering Actionable Intelligence]

An API typically has a publisher – someone who makes data available via the API – and a consumer, somebody who uses that API to build a digital product or service. Often when it comes to banks and financial institutions, the conversation is around them securely exposing consumer data for developers to use. But that's not the whole story. In this video, Laurent Van Huffel, Senior VP of Financial Services and Open Banking for North America at Axway and Jeff Schulte of Envestnet | Yodlee talk about the evolving role of aggregators in open banking, and how they provide actionable intelligence to financial services providers. Link to the commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Envestnet | Yodlee: Watch a 30-minute demo to learn how Amplify Open Banking helps the external fintech developer community easily find and use your APIs.

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Axway Offers a Modern, API-Driven Approach to VAN Connectivity
Axway Offers a Modern, API-Driven Approach to VAN Connectivity

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