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It’s not a tech problem: it’s a business problem. Here’s what you should know to design a comprehensive API strategy that brings the two together.
IT leaders, app developers, IT architects, and others stand to gain tangible benefits by building their own API marketplace using Amplify Enterprise Marketplace. See what benefits affect whom and how.
if you’re struggling with API adoption — don’t panic. You’re not alone. The 2022 Axway API Adoption Survey found that many enterprises aren’t seeing the results they expected from their APIs.
The 2022 Axway API Adoption Survey, a study conducted by Forrester Consulting and commissioned by Axway, asked more than 300 IT and business decision-makers where their companies stand on APIs.
Check out this infographic for key results of a study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Axway. Hint: API value lies in API consumption - more API consumption leads to greater ROI.
Discover the value of moving away from strictly ground-based managed file transfer to a managed cloud service, including lower costs and more flexibility. Check out the infographic to see more.

51% of Americans told us they felt the growing movement towards open banking is positive, citing reasons like better financial services, comparison of offers or simplified borrowing and payments
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