Three ways to capture unmanaged APIs with Amplify Platform

March 4, 2024 Sarah Guivarch

Unmanaged, unsecured APIs represent the largest attack vector for most organizations. These are the ones you do not know about today – the ones that are not in your inventory of API assets. That means the race is on to discover them before hackers do.

Here are three ways Amplify can help you cast a wide net to find and secure these "Zombie APIs”. 

Create one registry for all your API assets 

There needs to be one place where all your APIs are governed. This is the master catalog or registry of assets. You might decide not to advertise them, but you still need to track and manage them.

Amplify Marketplace gives you this one place. Asset discovery is automated by lightweight agents that sit alongside your gateways, platforms, and repositories to discover all API assets. You can then decide which to productize and publish to a specific audience.  

This provides one place to discover, subscribe to, and govern all APIs, regardless of what team built them, what vendor hosts them, or what security policies are in effect. 

See it in action: in the following clip, Arun Dorairajan demonstrates how Amplify Enterprise Marketplace helps balance API centralization with team autonomy.

Want to learn more? Register now to access the exclusive demo:

Use monitoring with Amplify Enterprise Marketplace 

Security monitoring tools like Graylog can give you an accurate readout of all API calls on your network. The problem is, how do you know which ones are valid calls and which are coming from unmanaged APIs.

By integrating Graylog's traffic with Amplify's known list of all API assets, you can quickly identify and prioritize the Zombie APIs that are still active. This integration is available today with Graylog Agent for Amplify. 

Automate the API deployment process 

Don't depend on programmers alone for security. Automate as much of the process as possible. With CI/CD pipelines you can automate the discovery, cataloguing, and linting of your APIs as a part of the standard deployment process.

This can be accomplished regardless of if you are using V7 gateways or cloud gateways like AWS and Azure. And it helps prevent you from creating the next generation of zombie APIs. 

Download the datasheet to learn who else stands to benefit from Amplify Enterprise Marketplace.

About the Author

Sarah Guivarch

Sarah Guivarch is a Product & Solutions Marketing Manager. She has 15 years of experience with over 12 years in the IT Business focused on Customer experience, Market Data Analysis, GTM Strategy, and Product Marketing Management at a Worldwide level.

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