Want to increase your business agility?

Learn how shifting your B2B interactions to the cloud, you can get the scalability you need to adapt to fluctuations in business activity without interruption, giving you an advantage over competitors who still use on-premises EDI systems.

  • It's time for open B2B integrations. More powerful than ever.2:19

    It's time for open B2B integrations. More powerful than ever.

    Digitally transform with Axway B2B Integration — a secure, API-enabled approach to EDI that lets you respond faster to evolving business demands.

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  • Have questions? Get in touch with an Axway B2B integration expert.

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  • Waiting to modernize your B2B integrations is a risk you shouldn’t take

    Waiting to modernize your B2B integrations is a risk you shouldn’t take

    Why enterprises need to move from legacy systems to a modern, API-enabled B2B platform for flexibility, speed, and scale

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  • Combine the power of a cloud service with a world-class B2B team

    Combine the power of a cloud service with a world-class B2B team

    Reduce your risks and close the expertise gap with managed cloud services

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  • Scale your EDI in the cloud with a B2B integration platform

    Scale your EDI in the cloud with a B2B integration platform

    I’m often asked, “why do we need to move our B2B transactions to the cloud?” and all I can think when I hear this is: “why wouldn’t you move your B2B transactions to the cloud?” When you are...

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