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Ovum B2B Integration Managed Services Provider Profiles: Axway

In a shifting landscape of rising customer expectations and tighter regulatory compliance, enterprises are struggling to support rapid partner onboarding, meet customer SLAs and guarantee availability using their existing B2B/EDI solutions. So they’re migrating and consolidating their legacy systems and processes into cloud-based B2B integration services under a managed services model that ensures 99.99% uptime and cuts costs by up to 40% over internal approaches.

In this Ovum report, Senior Analyst, Saurabh Sharma writes, “Axway is a major vendor in the B2B integration middleware market, and its managed services offering exploits the technological strengths on the software side to offer a substantial value proposition.1” For more insight into Ovum’s B2B Integration Managed Services Provider Profiles: Axway, complete this brief form.


1 Ovum B2B Integration Management Services Provider Profiles: Axway, Saurabh Sharma, May 2017

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