Practical steps to support reception of e-invoices ahead of Germany’s January 2025 B2B mandate
Starting in January 2025, private companies in Germany must be prepared to receive e-invoices in a structured format compliant with the XRechnung specifications, as outlined by the European Norm...
Leveraging EN-16931 for e-invoicing compliance in and outside Europe
The European Directive on electronic invoicing for public authorities (EN 2014/55 / EU) defined a standard invoice (European Norm core invoice aka EN-16930) and made its support mandatary for...
Italian B2B e-Invoicing mandate: 2023 update
We all remember the previous big shift in Italian e-invoicing. As of January 2019, all sales invoices for the Italian domestic market had to be presented by the suppliers to the SDI (Sistema di...
France’s e-invoicing mandate: Adhering to the new standard
E-invoicing is no longer a matter of choice for buyers and suppliers. Amid the rollout of new e-invoicing standards — specifically, the move to continuous transaction control (CTC) — e-invoicing...
Belgium B2G e-invoicing mandate
Read this article in Dutch below. // Lees dit artikel hieronder in het Nederlands. What’s new in Belgium? The Belgian government published a new Royal Decree on March 31st, 2022, mandating B2G...
E-invoicing: How to comply easily with upcoming mandates
Don’t be weighed down by the complexity of e-invoicing compliance.
Your government client mandates e-invoicing. Now what?
By European law, all government and public entities must support the European standard on e-invoicing (European Norm EN-16931). The Peppol e-Delivery network enables the exchange of documents...
Making use of the European Norm for all your document exchanges? Smart!
You probably first heard of the European e-Invoicing standard EN-16931 when a government client invited you to send your invoices electronically. Depending on the region you’re active in, you were...
Luxembourg B2G e-invoicing mandate
Luxembourg adopted legislation to mandate B2G e-invoicing in December of 2021. Compliance was phased, beginning with first large corporations (May 18, 2022), then medium size (October 18, 2022),...
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