6 reasons for adopting an event-driven architecture

Enterprises use APIs to monetize their data and processes. But many apps and functions operate asynchronously, and not all APIs are suited for the traditional request/response model. Enterprises use APIs to monetize their data and processes.

But many apps and functions operate asynchronously, and not all APIs are suited for the traditional request/response model. Here are six reasons companies adopt an event-driven architecture (EDA) to turn their APIs into events that can be managed just like APIs.

1. Event-driven APIs are asynchronous

The asynchronous nature of event-driven APIs unlocks the value of real-time integrations across applications and ecosystems, allowing faster delivery of data and eliminating the need for frequent polling, which can chew up valuable resources and bandwidth.

2. Total control from a single location

A single pane of glass for event-driven API management gives developers and others a catalog of what’s available. It secures events to prevent unauthorized access, monitors events’ usage for billing or tracking popularity, and ensures events get where they belong at the right time.

3. Integrate events into existing workflows

By managing events as if they’re APIs, companies can seamlessly integrate events into their workflows, reducing the number of workers needed to organize events and ease the transition from legacy APIs. This accelerates development cycles while allowing the coexistence of legacy APIs and contemporary events.

4. Easy transition to event-driven architecture

The right event-driven API management solution provides an event front end for existing applications, eliminating the need to rip and replace to transition to an event-driven architecture. Decoupling event producers and consumers allows moving all or part of the event architecture to the cloud.

5. Support for current and future protocols

Event-driven API management supports a broad range of publisher (HTTP Polling, HTTP POST, Kafka, Salesforce/CometD) and subscriber (Webhooks, Kafka, server-sent events, self-service APIs) protocols. It is extensible to handle future protocols and scalable to support evolving business needs.

6. Better decisions with real-time event streaming

Organizations capture essential changes in data on the fly, eliminating the need for converting traditional request/response polling into a smart event stream. Headless design is CI/CD-friendly, allowing simple integration with existing workflows on-premises or in the cloud.

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6 reasons for adopting an EDA to manage events like APIs
6 reasons for adopting an EDA to manage events like APIs

Companies want to stream events in real time. Here's why.