Demonstration of Axway Open Banking at Finovate Spring 2022 in San Francisco, presented by Eyal Sivan, Head of Open Banking at Axway. Direct bank-to-bank API calls using Brazilian and FDX API standards with FAPI security and consent redirects.
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Learn more about building your own API marketplace: This demo will overview how you can simply create your own marketplace of APIs wit

Learn about building your own marketplace:

Learn about building your own marketplace:

Learn more about this customer story: In Germany, Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) is the federal agency responsible for providing a range of

Axway’s Digital Glovebox, powered by Syncplicity, enables the auto dealership industry to provide a better experience for their clients. Purchasing a vehicle requires a lot of paperwork, and Axway ca

Learn more today at 3PLs and transportation companies have a complex ecosystem of business partners and clients requiring efficient EDI proc

Banks consist of multiple busines silos and many need to exchange files externally with clients and partners. Axway has the solution to create enterprise wide shared services which is proven to reduce

Organizations who are looking to run B2B on-boarding campaigns to support new business initiatives need to interact with new customers and suppliers. These campaigns are often costly, slow, and prone

Watch this demo to see how financial services and banking institutions can use Axway AMPLIFY to enhance customer service. Demo includes using smartphones and Amazon Alexa

Click here to learn more: Learn how to use Visual Mapper tool that simplifies transforming data from one format to another. The Visual Map

Click here to learn more: Learn how to secure APIs easily by specifying the security type, access scope, and testing.

Click here to learn more: Learn how Amplify API Management simplifies managing identity and potential identity threats.

Click here to learn more: Simplify how developers learn about your APIs with request/response API discovery.

An API Portal helps a company promote APIs and is key to the success of an API program. Read more on Promoting APIs: Another key componen

Learn how to simplify and customize how you manage APIs using Policy Studio. This video covers how you can use Policy Studio and service v

See how Axway AMPLIFY can be used to implement a medication adherence system or digital clinical trials.

Delivering orders in due time is key when dealing with medical prescriptions this leads to strong SLAs on delivery. The European leader for logistic in pharma needed to replace a legacy solution that

In this video, we'll discuss how to use API Builder Standalone go from zero to a Dockerized API Builder service that can be run in any Docker compatible infrastructure. Read more with this data sheet