RL - Public Sector

Build accessible, high-quality public services

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Build accessible, high-quality public services axway.com 1 Adopting a digital-first approach to service development unlocks a wide range of benefits. For citizens, the digital channel means less waiting, greater accessibility and more choice. For governments, APIs, B2B integration, managed file transfer and content collaboration technologies can help to reduce costs, enhance services, and enable new public-private partnerships. Recovering billions in lost tax dollars worldwide The IRS faced the challenge of building a platform capable of exchanging data securely with global financial partners within just six months. Today, the IRS supports 600,000 partners on a secure, scalable cloud platform, helping it to recover $8.7 billion in lost tax dollars globally. > LEARN HOW THE IRS DID IT Supercharging trade in Southeast Asia The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has a mission to accelerate economic growth, social progress, and cultural development through regional collaboration. By replacing manual customs processes with a digital platform, ASEAN is enabling member states to release cross-border cargo up to 50% faster. > READ THE ASEAN CASE STUDY NOW

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